Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Catching Up

Things have been wildly busy lately, thus the lack of any type of updates from me.  Things never seem to slow down, but I thought that I'd start trying to fit blogging back in.  I cancelled the old blog- no one use the name here- after Dave found it and started using it as a conduit of information about me.  At first I was understanding, then I was annoyed.  I decided to start over anew, so that there is no more chance of him reading my shit.  I hope.

Since the last time I wrote, things have balanced themselves out beautifully.  I was struggling to find my calm with the fact that Adrian lives two states away.  Sure, it's 90 minutes.  But when you finally have the love of your life back, those 90 minutes feel like 90 hours.  It takes more planning for us to be together, and I was really struggling with that.

I started thinking I wouldn't be able to survive with the distance between us.  Me being me, I started to question whether it was worth it.  I started getting goofy.  I knew I'd gone too far when I took the day off work to relax and wound up spending three hours pleasuring myself...... thinking about Dave.  Not about Dave the person.  About Dave's dick, and knowing that it was nearby. 

Later that night, I woke up in a cold sweat, completely freaking out.  What the fuck was I doing??????  I love Adrian so much, it frightens me...  So I try to run away. But this time, I remembered that it isn't worth it to even try.  I'm not ME without HIM, and only living a half life SUCKED.  Somehow I scared myself straight that night.

He's here every weekend.  I've gone there three times in the last few weeks.  We talk, text, email and skype constantly.  I'm more in love with him today than I was two weeks ago.  You'd think after knowing each other as long as we have, there would be no new things to discover or explore, but you'd think wrong.

We are funny, loving, caring, goofy, insatiable, hot for each other, never far apart and growing closer every day.

We're still insane for each other too.  A few weeks ago, we met half way between his house and mine at a hotel.  We were meeting specifically for the purpose of going at it, and go at it we did.  Wild.  Hot.  LOUD.

So loud that the phone started ringing in the room.  Over and over again.  Clearly we weren't answering.  I've mentioned before that I'm loud.  He isn't necessarily quiet either, because we talk to each other during.  So there we were.... and things were reaching the critical point when suddenly, there was knocking at the door.  We didn't stop.  More knocking.  More knocking.  We were still going.  I was too far gone for him to stop, so we didn't.  I came with a shriek and he came with a yell, which made the knocking turn to banging. 

Adrian stomped across the room, butt ass naked, sweating and out of breath. He flung the door open.  "Yes?"

Management told us there was a noise complaint, and they politely asked us to leave.

Honestly, I never laughed so hard.  We got dressed and left, and treated ourselves to a big dinner at Mickey D's (cause we're classy like that) and then we went our separate ways.

I laughed the entire way home.